Todd Wright

How To Quickly & Easily Rejuvenate Your Bathroom: On A Budget!

Home & Garden Blog

It's easy to get a bit fed up with the same old surroundings day in and day out, but a full makeover for any room in your home can be a costly route to pursue. There's nothing like the luxury of a fresh new bathroom suite for enjoying a nice long bath or shower, but a complete overhaul is not always a practical or financially viable option. If you would like a fresh bathroom environment, but you're on a tight budget, consider making the following changes and additions to your bathroom – that won't break the bank!

11 September 2015

Plush Beds | 4 Simple Tips to get Hotel-Worthy Luxury from Home Beds

Home & Garden Blog

Beds are an integral part of giving hotel rooms their luxurious appeal, so it's natural that you want to replicate that same plush feel in your bedroom. Recreating luxurious beds isn't as difficult as you think ­­ –– use these simple tips to get a hotel bed in your home and lie in the lap of luxury every time. Find a Comfortable, Medium-to-Firm Mattress Most people believe that they can get hotel-style comfort by getting the softest mattresses possible.

27 August 2015

Why Call an Emergency Locksmith When Locked Out of Your Car?


If you've been locked out of your car, you don't want to try to pick the locks on your own or try to push a coat hanger through the window frame to reach the inside door locks. There are many reasons why it's better to call a locksmith when you've been locked out. Before you get locked out again and try to get yourself back into your own car, note the following.

17 August 2015

How To Waterproof Your Wooden Firewood Store

Home & Garden Blog

There's no point buying expensive seasoned wood for your fire this winter if your wooden firewood store isn't waterproof.  Damp firewood won't burn efficiently, and it also makes a very tempting 'des res' for overwintering termites!  This easy project will ensure that your firewood stays dry and your wooden firewood store remains serviceable for many years to come. Here's how to go about waterproofing your wooden firewood store. What you'll need

3 August 2015

3 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Air Conditioner

Home & Garden Blog

Air conditioners, like any device, require regular maintenance. Without proper maintenance, the performance of the air conditioner steadily declines and the energy consumption of the device also starts increasing. Now, you wouldn't want your electricity costs to skyrocket, would you? Listed below are 3 easy ways to keep your air conditioner in pristine condition: Cleaning and Replacing Air Conditioner Filters Some filters are reusable while others need to be replaced.

23 July 2015

Important Tips to Keep In Mind When Installing LPG Cylinders in Your Motorhome

Home & Garden Blog

One accessory needed for new motorhomes is an LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) cylinder. This cylinder is important because it will provide all the fuel you need to cook when you are on the road. This article discusses some important tips you should bear in mind as you buy those cylinders. Buy Refillable Cylinders There are two options of LPG cylinders on the market. You can buy those that need to be swapped when they are empty or you can buy those that you can refill at any station without being limited to the specific company from which you bought the cylinders.

6 July 2015

Window Blinds | 3 Blind Treatments To Make Windows More Energy Efficient


It's no secret that every homeowner dreads escalating electricity bills arriving via mail. Uncovered windows in summer will let heat in far more than home walls, while in winter they allow heat to escape. You can lose up to 40% of the heat in your home from uncovered windows. This means that you will end up consuming more energy to stay comfortable, while paying higher energy bills. Window treatments from places like Shadeland Townsville Pty Ltd like blinds and awnings can help save rising energy costs through their energy efficient functions.

30 June 2015

3 Fabric Considerations for Window Curtains

Home & Garden Blog

Curtains deliver an excellent choice as window treatments for their versatility in style and functionality. Not only do curtains upscale the appearance of a room, but they also prevent excess sunlight from entering and fading the interiors of your room. Curtain fabrics are available in a myriad of styles, colours, patterns and textures, depending on your personal style and preference. Here are some fabric considerations when it comes to choosing window curtains.

10 June 2015

The Meaning of Some Sounds You May Hear from Your AC

Home & Garden Blog

Air conditioning units normally work in a way that does not create abnormal sounds or noises. You soon get used to the "normal sound" of your air conditioning unit once that unit has been in place for a few weeks. However, the unit may develop some defects that will make it to emit a sound that you have not been accustomed to. This article discusses some of those abnormal AC sounds and what they may mean.

22 May 2015

Why You Should Use A Tile Steam Cleaner At Home

Home & Garden Blog

You may well be aware that steam cleaning is a good way to look after your carpets at home. However, did you know that you can also use what is known as a "tile" steam cleaner to look after many other surfaces in your home? How does this work? Explain The Difference Tile steam cleaning products are machines that have been modified with an array of tools and attachments. They use the same principles of a traditional carpet steam cleaner, but you can also use them to very precisely clean countertops, windows, showers, bathtubs and furniture items.

4 May 2015