If you've been locked out of your car, you don't want to try to pick the locks on your own or try to push a coat hanger through the window frame to reach the inside door locks. There are many reasons why it's better to call a locksmith when you've been locked out. Before you get locked out again and try to get yourself back into your own car, note the following.
1. Damage to your vehicle
Cars today are made to be more tamper-resistant than ever before; some years back, you might have been able to squeeze a coat hanger through a window frame and reach a lock, but trying to do that today can mean breaking the window right out of the frame since seals are usually tighter and more secure. You might also pull the seals right off the frame and in turn, your car will allow in water every time it rains, ruining the upholstery and carpeting.
Trying to pick the lock with a paperclip or coat hanger or other item can mean damaging the door lock as these too are meant to be tamper-resistant. The cost of replacing a window or a door lock can be very expensive, so it's best to have a locksmith open your car safely and easily.
2. Alarm systems
Your car may have an alarm system that may sound when you least expect it, and trying to break into your car can mean setting off that alarm even if you don't think it's armed. Some cars have certain default settings to their alarms so that they sound when something other than a real key is inserted into the door lock or when pressure is put on the windows such as from a coat hanger. An emergency 24 hour locksmith can reset your car's alarm system so that it doesn't sound while you're trying to get yourself in or after you start your car.
3. Rekeying your car
Unless you can see your keys in the ignition or know where they are, you want to have your car rekeyed. If someone else has your keys they can easily break into your car anytime; even if they don't want to steal your car, they could remove the spare tire and anything else from the trunk in addition to removing the stereo, airbags, and other expensive and sellable parts. These can also be very costly to replace, so it's usually best to simply have your car rekeyed by an emergency locksmith on the spot rather than wait to find your keys.
Share17 August 2015
Hello. My name is Dean and this is my home and garden blog. Last year, I decided I needed to improve the look of my home. I visited several home and garden centres and various different shops but I just couldn't find the items I wanted. I had this dream of creating a really cool and funky look based on an African design I had seen. My friend suggested that I customise the items to create the look I wanted and began to give me some lessons. I really enjoyed the process and I learnt a lot about how to improve your home and garden.