How a Self-Storage Facility Can Keep You Organized and Even Save You Money

Home & Garden Blog

Most people think of using a self-storage unit when moving so they can get items out of the way and move them into their new home in a manageable manner, rather than moving all their items at one time. While a self-storage unit can be a good asset to have when you move, this type of facility can also help you to stay organized every day and even save you money. Consider the following.

1. Organizing your everyday items

If you seem to have too many things for your small home or apartment, a self-storage unit can help you stay organized. Start with your out-of-season clothes and put these in plastic bins. Next, box up your holiday decorations, using a separate box for each holiday. Make sure these boxes are labeled. Then, move on to your out-of-season sporting goods. Store all these things in the self-storage unit.

If you can take your bikes and roller blades out of the garage during wintertime, and then take your skis and snowboards out during summertime, this can keep your home more spacious. Taking your holiday decorations to the storage unit also frees up space in your home, and putting them in separate boxes keeps them organized. You can retrieve just the boxes for each holiday as they arrive.

You might also store away items you only use a few times each year, such as your sewing machine, table saw, and so on. By removing all these excessive items from your home, you can more easily organize everything you do keep on hand.

2. Saving you money

A self-storage unit can save you money if you use it to downsize your home. Very often retirees have more space in their home than they need, but hesitate to downsize because of the lifetime of items they have in their attic. Downsizing can be difficult for anyone who has a number of items they keep on hand, such as sporting goods, an extensive wardrobe, tools, etc. However, think of the money you might save if you had a smaller mortgage or rent payment for a smaller home, and if you didn't pay so much to heat and cool such a large space. Property taxes may also be lower on a smaller home.

Using a self-storage unit with companies such as All Purpose Self Storage for items you don't use every day but which you don't want to throw away can mean being able to downsize. The small cost of the unit can easily be offset by the money you save on your rent or mortgage, and your utility costs.


12 March 2015

Custom Made Items For Your Home and Garden

Hello. My name is Dean and this is my home and garden blog. Last year, I decided I needed to improve the look of my home. I visited several home and garden centres and various different shops but I just couldn't find the items I wanted. I had this dream of creating a really cool and funky look based on an African design I had seen. My friend suggested that I customise the items to create the look I wanted and began to give me some lessons. I really enjoyed the process and I learnt a lot about how to improve your home and garden.